I’ve never heard of a regular bike called a push bike in America.
Honestly thought the same thing that @tech.shit posted when you said pushbike.
I would refer to that as a standard bicycle if you want us Mericans to know what you’re talking about.
I’ve never heard of a regular bike called a push bike in America.
Honestly thought the same thing that @tech.shit posted when you said pushbike.
I would refer to that as a standard bicycle if you want us Mericans to know what you’re talking about.
It appears to be a british english thing that you heathens don’t quite understand.
In any case, my pushbike has pedals.
Spend a large part of my childhood cycling with my father all around east Yorkshire in the UK.
Never heard this in the one and a half decades I did that. We always called it pedal bikes or bicycles.
TBF this was before ebikes were really a thing.
Full blown Heathen here, but I did understand ‘pushbike’
Perhaps traveling in Oz 25 years ago helped.
I remember using a bike from a Backpackers outside Torquay, and they were like here’s your helmet ya seppo wanker.
I was like No thanks.
‘WTF you mean its the law?’
Back in the 70’s in the USA, the kid wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle got ridiculed to the point of tears.
Haha yep, i’m just young enough that mandatory helmet law has always been the norm for me.
It was pretty much a fashion statement in 90s Australia to own a Stackhat, helmets have never been cooler
Looks like a hockey helmet
I was surprised how many Aussie surfers wore helmets in mild conditions when I was there. When living out of a tent and a Holden Kingswood at a left Pointbreak in NW, I had AndyCaps take a cast of my head and made me a carbon fiber/kevlar helmet. I didnt want any white Pigment though, and had the first one which just showed the weave, and he wound making many more the same way afterwards.
Certainly added confidence pulling in grindy tubes backside looking at the colorful reef half a meter below. Didnt really use it outside OZ and NZ and Indonesia though. One time off Sumbawa I got smeared, and felt no tug on my legrope. I thought it broke, and was looking landward when the fin cluster landed on my head.
It Saved me a major laceration no doubt.
Not sure how well it would work in an Esk8.
Better than nothing for sure.
Some say that Australians are just the Canadians of the southern hemisphere…
Is that like how Alaska is just Florida with snow?
We ride push bikes in New Zealand too. I have three of them, and typically only use them for pointing up, then down hills.
My wife often rides her push bike to work, and keeps it in the living room but soon the garage will be built.
Before I had skateboards in my life, I’d bother to pop wheelies sometimes not dropping the front wheel for over half an hour on long hill climbs, or half way across the city.
These days I pop less wheelies on my push bike than I used to, but I have been pointing a 27 year old XC bike down hills like what I had in '98 just for old times sake, as well as ensuring sufficient sketchiess in my diet.
It was a bit of a slow week on the van, i wanted the benchtop fully oiled before I installed it and that took a few days, but happy with the results.
I also designed and printed a little cable cover where I’ve run some wires across the floor, although I need to redesign this as I forgot that I also want to run an air hose across there.
Once the benchtop was in, I wasted zero time getting stuck into my plumbing. It definitely doesn’t look glamorous and it took me a couple of iterations to get it working properly (i ran into air lock issues with the drainage) but it works!
I have running water for the first time in over a year! it’s somewhat bittersweet though as there is a distinct plastic taste to the water. I’m hoping it passes after a few cycles. Time will tell. If it doesnt pass, i’m gonna need to keep seperate water for drinking and cooking which will be a bit of a disappointment but whatevs. The running water is still a momentous occasion.
The final stage of the plumbing was to implement the urinal! The urinal is not only important for being able to stealth wee, it also is going to allow the greywater tank to be purged with compressed air.
There is still just one tiny bit of ‘plumbing’ left for me to do, and that is to make a little hose extension from the faucet, so that i can ‘flush’ the urinal.
The last bits I got up to this weekend was building the cabinet to house my diesel heater and air compressor. There is a sizeable compartment left over and I think it’s earmarked to be the dirty laundry compartment, but we’ll see how that pans out.
I’ll finish and install this cabinet before moving on to cabinetry for the fridge, freezer and printer!
You’re going to put your dirty laundry right next to your diesel heater?
We already saw one GoFundMe for a burnt down mobile home
only way to get that nice diesel fume scent that lasts all day!
They’ll be separated by the air compressor compartment and the diesel heater exhaust should have no chance of getting inside after my double gasket.
That was another thing i did this weekend too, finished the double muffler and exhaust run under the van…… but i’m not entirely happy with it do that may get another iteration too