USA Free Money! I.e. Free skate parts!

Worked for me, thanks!


Glad I saw this :slight_smile: Iā€™ll take some free money any day lol





Update if you actually receive moneys.

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As of 19 days later, still waiting.

Read alot of articles saying too many people chose the moneys and it will be a whole lot less. Dont know how true this is

About the same wait here =/

Getting these checks is like enertion shipping your stuff. The sooner you forget about it, the sooner you might get a surprise one day. If you wait for it, you will grow old and die first.

Besides that, Iā€™m fairly confident the lawyers will find some way to keep 99.99% of the money. Weā€™ll probably get $1.13 each after 27 months of waiting


Anybody get money from this?


Iā€™m still waiting =)

I got a message eventually saying that too many people opted for the money instead of the free credit monitoring.

They were asking for a bunch of very inconvenient and impossible to acquire details to get the cash, but offered the free credit monitoring instead.


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Here in canada, we got free monitoring left and right.
I have 4 letters from different companies telling me ā€œwere sorry, hereā€™s 12 months of free monitoringā€ I called Equifax and now Iā€™m covered for the next 4 years :rofl::man_facepalming:


Same here. I opted for the coverage after all.


@Skunk @Venom121212 @Accrobrandon @b264


2. When will I get my benefits?

The settlement administrator will not send out any benefits until they are allowed to do so by the court, which will be January 23, 2020, at the earliest . We will update this page, and send email updates, when we have more information.

3. How will I get my benefits?

For free credit monitoring, after final approval from the court, you will get an activation code with instructions. You can choose to receive this code by email or postal mail when you file your claim.

For cash payments, you can choose to get a check or debit card when you file your claim. It will be sent to your mailing address after final approval from the court.

4. I thought I could choose $125 instead of free credit monitoring. What happened?

The public response to the settlement has been overwhelming. Because the total amount available for the alternative compensations is $31 million, each person who takes the money option is likely to get a very small amount. Nowhere near the $125 they could have gotten if there hadnā€™t been such an enormous number of claims filed.

The free credit monitoring provides a much better value, and everyone whose information was exposed can take advantage of it. If your information was exposed in the data breach, and you file a valid claim before the deadline, you are guaranteed at least four years of free monitoring at all three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) and $1,000,000 of identity theft insurance, among other benefits. The market value of this product is hundreds of dollars per year.

You can still choose the cash option on the claim form, but you will be disappointed with the amount you receive and you wonā€™t get the free credit monitoring.

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Yeah, so, in other words, weā€™ll all be getting $0.78, and unable to opt-out of Equifax having our personal information. So fucked, per usual.

Lawyers and criminals win, citizens lose, business as usual