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Actually you can have a double row and a regular bearing on the inside, with 3mm bearing sticking out of the hub, that can act as a centering feature for open gears. That was my plan anyways. That’d give 50mm bearing spread in total, with 3 bearing rows on the inside which is pretty decent.

Outside bearings wear less in my experience mostly with very offset large tires. The centering ring allows for one normal bearing there only, but that should be fine.


Being intoduced the Meepo enclosed gear drive on the MLR for a short time I can’t say what reciprocity understanding Linnpower Meepo and Newbee have on this design. My understanding is that Chinese businesses tend to use each others tech and stay in communications with each other even when stepping on their competitors feet.
If anyone has any statements, posts or threads, they would point me too to clarify what this is all about I would be glad to review the past and try to figure out where this issue stands present with Linn, Kieran and Ethan


Totally fair, especially considering the partnership with Meepo I see no reason to not make use of those kinds of resources from China, especially considering Linn is already offering those drives I see no reason why other manufacturers shouldn’t have the same freedom to do so (assuming there isn’t some sort of agreement going on behind the scenes)

What I take issue with is when a brand is toted as pushing the hobby forward while that brand is engaging in behavior that seemingly sacrifices progression and improvement in favor of stomping down any would-be competitors. To do so I think is to directly work against progress especially when those smaller creators are designing things that you don’t actually offer.


“You can clone our concept, but the quality would tell the differences! The smooth, the quiet…is something you can’t achieve! by just copy!” (2022 November)

This was posted a long time ago, I guess when Linn released his first drives? Not 100% sure. But doesn’t sound like they had an agreement behind the curtains.

I don’t have problems with other vendors adapting ideas already used if they make a significant enough improvement over the original product, admittedly I don’t know if Linn’s first iteration was a direct copy or an actual improvement. The current version with all steel gears I’d consider that enough of an improvement to be fine with a new vendor releasing his own take on a concept.

My point is in mine and it looks like the majority of the community’s opinion, Tommy’s hubs seems like a significant enough addition of new features so that it can’t be called a direct copy. The current gen steel on steel linns also have in my opinion significant enough differences that you can’t just call it a direct copy of the newbee drives (since for example newbee never did full steel to my knowledge), not sure about all the previous gens, as I wasn’t following plastic drives too closely, especially not for production boards. But by extension, if you justify calling Tommy’s hubs copies, then you should also justify calling Linn’s current gen drives copies, at least when considering newbee’s post I linked above.


I think the options for enclosed steel on steel drives are quite limited right now that apex and bn are no longer producing them, and I’m definitely not against you using them. As I said the steel ones have enough differences from the old original ones for me to consider it fair. Just be aware of the backstory and act consistent according to that.