Please, wear a helmet. Someone in France is in coma right now.

Translation from the article below:

Friday evening, April 2, a 30-year-old man fell on his head while riding an electric skateboard in Biscarrosse. He was transported by helicopter while in coma to a hospital of Gironde. While he was riding his electric skateboard, Avenue de la plage in Biscarrosse, the 30 years old man fell on his head and lost consciousness.

When the firemen arrived on the spot around 8:30 pm, he was unconscious and it was in a state of absolute emergency that he was transported by Dragon 33 to a hospital of Gironde.

No details on if he was wearing a helmet or not. The point is not to judge or critique the victim, but to sensibilize each and everyone of us that this basic protection can make the difference between life or death. Please be careful for you and your loved ones.


Holy shit, he went mountainboarding?
Or why the helicopter?

Sometimes helicopters are used in extreme situations where a rapid patient delivery needs to be made or if the patient needs to go to a more specialized hospital.

Ride safe and prayers for the injured rider.


The road is this one, it’s a concrete road all the way :

For the helicopter, as @Venom121212 said the emergency probably warranted the use of one. The closest hospital is at 30km and it’s a fairly small one. The second closest is in Bordeaux at 100km where he was probably brought.


I don’t see a problem with people not wearing helmets. Everyone has a risk threshold.

I would just advise the no helmet people to have a note in your pocket with messages for your loved ones so paramedics can forward it to them if you split your skull in half. They at least deserve that courtesy.


The problem is that the serious related injuries encourage governments to clamp down further on electric skateboards.


I’ve said the same here, not only a helmet, but a full-face helmet! Everyone thinks it’s not cool, until something like this happens or worse.

I hope this person recovers, he may never ride a board again, because the next concussion for him could be fatal.


I don’t see a problem with people not wearing helmets.

No stupid people ruin it for everyone else, when they start passing new laws and regulation comes in and then you’re having to pay for license to ride a EV on the street and forced to get insurance just like a motor vehicle driver.


I am all for insurance and helmet laws, this acts like a paywall which decreases idiots and casual inexperienced riders. And it signals that there is risk involved.

they have helmet laws in Toronto, but only for adults, however with the bike rental startups, people are riding bikes with no helmets, and i don’t see cops stopping and ticketing people.

also it’s illegal to ride bikes on sidewalks and i see people do it still and not get ticketed. i even see delivery people on mo-pads driving on the sidewalks lol

so more laws and insurance won’t stop idiots, it hurts people who follow rules out of common sense and think of safety first. personally i am against more laws or insurance, it’s only hurts good people.

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Applies to so much in life.

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but it gives the lawmakers a scapegoat
shrug “not our fault he was breaking the rules and not wearing a helmet and got hurt”

I just panic bought a motorcycle helmet after reading this post. 7 lbs of lifesaving materials.