I need an antispark switch with pre charge.

I’ve heard the fatboy sparky antispark switch is the only one with pre charge, but I couldnt find it anywhere, is there an other alternative? Maybe a site where I can buy it? Or rather how could I make my own precharged one from a regular antispark switch? I’m tired of blowing them

You could use a discharge bms and use the switch on the bms as option.

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Can you recommend a fair priced one for a 12s7p 30q pack?

@RDs has a fatboy antispark he could sell you maybe

Some wire has come loose and Ive removed main phase wires, I can ship it to you for price of coffe and shipping if you wish to give it a shot.

What’s your opinion on it? Is it a good/reliable option?

Never tested it so wouldn’t know. As ive heard they bleed little bit of electricity so you have to check in on the board once in a while and it uses the old unreliable design that needed heavy mosfet cooling. But they are ok for begginers. If ill ever do AS on my board I will use Pryside precharge handsolder AS design