Get custom balancer made?

I need a balancer for 20s lifepo4. Something simple like this:!USD!7.2!7.2!!!!!%40210318be16601793387237296e395b!12000028696146957!sea&curPageLogUid=t1Sv9edIRRou&algo_pvid=74aec4ac-518b-4763-9584-f081e3488078

But it must fit a narrow 32mm slot. I read u can use multiple and I think I could use (4) 5s (or maybe it needs to be 6s?)… anyway I’d rather get a single long one made somehow if someone can help or set me in a direction

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Just sand a couple of MM off the PCB :rofl:

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The narrowest available it seems. If anyone is interested.

String these together.,scm-url:1007.40000.267768.0,pvid:f0ca94db-2758-4412-a398-26f772e0d92c,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%23752&pdp_npi=2%40dis!USD!2.47!1.73!!!!!%40210312cf16601925853772334e8fbe!10000006184647116!rec

Just a heads up. You can delete everything in the URL link after & including the “?” mark to shorten things & have the same outcome. Everything after is metadata on your end IIRC



u can also delete the “m.” in front of the word aliexpress, so it takes u to pc desktop site for pc user, but mobile user can still view it in mobile version, and app user will just automatically open the app so it doesn’t matter

it also shows a preview of the product without user clicking on it


Interesting communication tools

No point in getting balancers made.

Strange I see no reviews on this site. I imagine since so simple they’re pretty fault proof.