flipsky VESC 6.6 usb cable

Does anybody have suggestions for a USB cable that will work well with Flipsky VESC 6.6. Apparently the ones that come with them don’t actually work that well.

The cable from your phone?

I have a usb c for my phone

Have you tried the one that comes with the vesc?
Do you have any micro usb devices or cables at hand?

I have so many cables in my house that I’ve never actually noticed if I was using the original cables for anything. I have a drawer of different cable types in every room.

Just had a look. Most of em are Anker powerline cables. Never had a problem with a single one of em



I have. Apparently they are subpar. I have a bunch laying around, but only one that worked correctly, and I’m not sure which one it is anymore

Sweet thanks man