F-Of-C - open-source Free-Of-Charge vesc6 board in development. Schematics available

So I have done my best coding the addition of the BMI323 IMU to the VESC codebase, and I have made a PATCH with all the additions (attached to this post - if you want to check it out). It compiles and builds, but I don’t know yet if it is bug-free - I will have to test with new hardware.

On a linux system you can apply the patch in the following way:

  1. Get the latest VESC source code from Vedder github
  2. unzip the patch
  3. On command line run “patch -p1 -d bldc-master < foc_king_bmi323.patch”

“bldc-master” is the vesc source code directory.

You will find all the updates in the “imu” directory + hwconf/FOC_KING.
foc_king_bmi323.zip (92.5 KB)


You should make a pull request into the master repository.


that looks amazing! So your motors are already running?

Sound interesting. If it works with this IMU that could be a good solution!