carbon and wood deck 40” $125 in USA

That’s the size I based all the enclosures on back in the day.

So theoretically it would juuust fit two 2170’s back to back

Mine fit 18650’s back to back with a little bit of space

I’ll measure it when home for like the tenth time, post it, and then forget

Add it in here and just link to it in this thread

then we can search for it later

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Might wanna get a mod to update the $90 title…damn that price went up!


They were never 90$ WITH shipping. That would be a loss for me for sure and think the decks are 72$ to me. It depends where u live and generally with shipping to the east coast being 50$ I end up maybe getting 20$ profit. Or there’s torqueboards more expensive version available, which has no carbon or stained wood.

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either way, title needs the change

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It is 90$. Plus shipping. Ends up being about 140$

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Shit, I thought these decks were completely flat but looking closer I see that they’re not :sob: Weird curves = lower ride height and less places I can put my feet

Almost thought I found a usable deck for a possible second build for a minute there

This was from 3 years ago…at this point your thought of keeping the thread title as-is is just a bit click baity.

I’m offering the deck for 90$ plus whatever the shipping is. clickbaity maybe … but also the reality.

The hole dimensions are 585x145x13mm


Hummie has that ability himself. :grimacing: full control over everything he posts.


I don’t see what needs to be changed, 90$ is the actual price of the deck :thinking:


Because John just wrote this more recently

so it was a bit confusing since, it used to be $90 + $25 shipping = $115 in the US. $145 was if it was shipped to Europe. Clarification was advised.

Lastly. I love the deck enough to have gotten 3 of them!

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Including shipping then :wink:

Fucking hell. It’s a $90 deck with some shipping. Is it worth 40 posts to cover that?


Wait, so let me get this cleared up.

The deck is $DECK_PRICE, right? Assuming you pick it up and take it home yourself. Any extra costs, such as shipping, the buyer pays? This is pretty normal, I think.

Decks aren’t cheap to ship.



So it’s $90 pickup in SF
$140 shipped in the USA. aka, $90 (deck) + $50 (shipping)…let’s call it shipping and handling fees.

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Price changed to $130

PayPal to
and add all your info there

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Im not sure why you sent me a refund with no explanation, but in the end it worked ot better for me. In the future what ever the issue was i would have tried to make it work for both of us as view this as a community ,where comon courtesy like an explanation are conssiderd polite. I would be hessitant to waste my time in the future making a purchase from you if you cant even say hey I need X to make Y and Z work.
thanks anyway, good luck selling them. i posted a link to a push sk8 forum to see if they want to buy some .