Boardnamics Warning

Yeah, this thread went from bardnamics warning​:rage: to boardnamics warning :grimacing: and im not a fan of the pivot


Don’t forget the boarrnamics shopping thread this became a few months ago.


Guess I just have to get some other trucks for now

They arrived!


@Boardnamics your website is down, what’s up?

Bro called it quits…

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Domain expired, up now.
That said, inventory is running on fumes and demand has taken a severe nose dive so there will be no inventory orders made again. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. At this point, almost everything is out of stock except for:
M1-AT Drives
Motor mounts
Channel trucks
GT3 Hubs


Do you have any of the little nubbins that go on the wheel bolts?

@Jondavey007 [ ig:Jon Davy ] says he’s been waiting a year for order fulfillment on them.

did you have those parts made? or are they some off the shelf thing that can be ordered elsewhere?

He had them custom made. Waited about 6 weeks for the 10 extra I ordered for easy tire rotation. I wonder you could accomplish the same thing with a rod coupling. OD of those nubs is around 6.8mm. here’s some dimensions for rod couplings. Even if you had modify the adapter plate a little that seems better than waiting a year…

The dimensions of an M4 rod coupling can vary depending on the specific type of coupling, but typically include the following:

  • Nominal size: M4
  • Length: 12 mm
  • Wrench size: 6.78–7.00 mm across flats
  • Width across corners: 7.66 mm
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If you have any of the “bolt nubbins”? 10 Ordered over a year ago, if you have any could you send them to mboards for me?

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Do you happen to have anymore of the 10mm axles for your 270 trucks ?

Yall need to tag @Boardnamics or send him direct emails if you want his attention. He isn’t on the forum much.


Did mange to scrape together some. Will ship Thursday


Yes I do


What’s best here? Do these really just slide on and rattle around, or are people epoxying the mounts over the hangers?

There seems to be very few to none street wheel gear drives on the market now. I’ve been getting by with carrying three spare belts whenever I leave home, and have always planed on upgrading all my boards to gear drives eventually when I’ve got my life sorted, but starting to think that’s getting less likely to happen.

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Yea it’s just held on by the force of the axle nut. You can epoxy it on permanently if you want to, shouldn’t affect anything except if you want to remove it in future, you can’t.


You can with a blowtorch and some profanity.


I once fixed a sloppy boosted board motor mount with jbweld. (f*ck around)
the next morning i realized (found out). that I put them on backwards.

Anyhow. heat gun also works. (i did about 15 -30min )

tho i should add. I did the same trick on some loctited gear drive bolts… where the motor was attached… and… delamed a magnet. …


“can’t be stuck if it’s liquid”


Alright, gear drives finally mounted, but let’s not talk about bastardised bushings until I get some proper tall chubbies. The pinions needed shortened, and the mounts drilled and tapped as they differed from the pictures. Maybe Kevin knows why.

Deck lengthened with recycled power pole crossarm offcuts from making my kitchen bench (miscellaneous ausie hardwood), some bits from another deck chopped up for the plywood, and generous amounts of glass cloth laminated with epoxy. I bought the deck as a landyachtz switchblade off a kid whilst travelling for work.

This is my first DIY board. I routed into and sanded the base of the deck, added fibreglass and this gave me a flat surface for clearance.

First enclosure I made was single piece and it was shit, so I made another mould and compartmentalised it. The bulge on the front is for the BMS, when LLT’s were bigger than they are now.

I make my plugs with urethane insulation foam, shaping it with the bandsaw and sandpaper by hand. It’s 12S11P 18650, which wasn’t easy to fit in. 16S would have been much easier, but this build started before that was a thing.

Because the rear maxer x TKP baseplate slogged out, I’ve lengthened the deck and added the RKP.

The motors already developed the flipsky whissle, and the ESC is my first vesc - a V6.6 that I’ve lost count on the number of repairs (capacitors, MOSFETs, DRV chip).

I’ve just repaired the VX1 that had a capacitor leaking DC causing the battery to rapidly discharge.

Maybe next year I’ll do a build thread when my works a little less ghetto.

I’m gonna go ride it now and hope it doesn’t try killing me.