Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

We have no idea what this is

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loctite is a brand. Green loctite is a class of product they sell. The specific product is retaining compound. You’re one hell of a broken record


Keep in mind that you will need to run motor detection again when adding a new motor to your drivetrain. It’s not just pNp.

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It’s fairly common that you’ll need to cut the shafts down a little to fit in the gear drive case and I’d probably replace at least the rear hanger with a 270mm Boardnamics… You might be able to make it work without them, but I’d upgrade both front and rear to 270s… They’re pretty nice.

It’s perfectly reasonable to refer to locktite by color. All green locktite has the same strength. Just different viscosity which is typically not the concern when discussing which kind of locktite to use.

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not true. not all green Loctite even has the same intended type of application.

green 290: medium strength + wicking thread locker

green 680: ultra strength retaining compound


At a minimum, Loctite 603, 609, 620, 638, 648, and 680 all fit that description. So again, it’s not useful — and it’s easier to type a number anyway, it’s less characters. It is also more helpful to noobs and beginners.

Let’s talk about things and building stuff. You can PM me for personal insults and hate speech.

“Hate speech” all he said was that you were a broken record, thats not hate speech.


Green is fine tho if you what you mean is “not blue”.
Like if I said does this hole need an M4 or M5 screw and you said “grade 8 or stainless screw? It’s important.”
Like yes, it’s important but one thing at a time.

is it worth putting a new battery into a Boosted V2 or should I replace the cells or just replace all the electronics?

seems there’s 3 extra wires on the battery connection that on the PCB are labeled "CAN-H, CAN-L and PRESB.

the current pack is showing a red light error that has been inferred to mean an unbalanced battery.

If you are going to keep it you can get an amnesia chip to clear the rlod if you can get it balanced:

If you are going to sell it don’t do that since you need to know how to deal with it and maybe there’s a higher risk of it exploding some day and that’s not fair to do to someone unless they understand what they are getting into.
Otherwise send it to The Boosted Guys for RLOD repair:

If they can’t fix it, don’t fuck around with all that proprietary shit get all new battery, bms, esc, enclosure. You can keep the drivetrain but really why bother at that point.

To me it’s not worth it… salvage the deck and make a new build with it.

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It’s just obnoxious at this point. It’s not hate speech. It’s an intervention. Green loctite has only ever referred to 638/648 here. When we talk about TB110s, we never specify which specific version. They’re all slippery and bouncy to some extent, the point comes across.

this was my first thought and seems to be the budget solution.

I guess dropping a new pack into it is out of the question due to this proprietary BS. UGH this is worse than messing with evolves.

it’s not even a loaded deck so really, all that’s salvageable is the drivetrain.

It’s faster to type 648 anyway, and it helps all parties more.

Furthermore, this is false:

I used to call Loctite 290 “green Loctite” here.


You’re telling me you couldn’t infer from context? What other green loctite would be used to attach a motor pinion besides retaining compound?

I just wanted some advice :pleading_face:


But you are now just feeding the troll LOL

This is why I come here, if I can help you, I will. Just ignore the trolls.

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But rather than helping with anything, you chose to die on this weird hill of loctite reference…

Like I get it man, the colors don’t perfectly describe the compounds, but you definitely knew what I was referencing in the post where I asked for help. You chose to argue semantics instead of helping.


This is a false statement.

I’m not sure why you have the audacity to say what I think.

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Dude, you’re taking this so personally. I’m sorry if you’re having a bad day, but when has anyone around here ever loctited a pinion with anything but 638/648?

If that’s the case, it seems like you’re the only one here that didn’t understand what I was referring to, and that seems to be a conscious choice on your part because I said “green”